Upcoming Classes & Seattle’s Museum of Museums

Happy fall ! The summer seems to have left without saying goodbye. After so much sunshine, I’m always happy for the rain, but today I find myself wishing for one last blue sky.  This has been a busy summer with many changes and some exciting projects coming through the shop.

A new schedule of engine turning classes is up for this fall! I have a few openings in my beginner’s and intermediate classes. Check out the sign up details here. The beginner’s class offers a good foundation, while the intermediate builds on previous experience and demonstrates the use of attachments and chucks to create objects. The next round of classes will be some time in the spring of 2020.


In other news, Seattle has a new museum opening next February! This is the work of local artist Greg Lundgren, one of Seattle’s most active champions of the arts. Museum of Museums, or MoM for short, will be a contemporary art space with rotating exhibitions, class offerings (some taught by yours truly), a wonderful & whimsical shop selling a highly curated selection of 63 objects and more, an entirely separate museum in miniature,  the Shaun Kardinal Art Museum (SKAM), as well as many other gems (such as the make out closet!). You can read all about the project here.

I’m excited to announce that I will be part of the opening show in February along with some other incredible artists. Collaborating curators, Greg Lundgren & Bri Luna, are sure to build a show filled with magic and enchantment. Stay tuned for more details! I’ll be showing Cochlea (and who knows what else!).


At MoM while under construction with fellow artist Jana Brevick 



And last but not least! I’m headed to Los Angeles to give a talk at the Museum of Jurassic Technology on November 24th along with a showing of Cochlea! Come say hi!

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